Thursday, May 8, 2008

State Fair Challenge Quilt-Evening Star Blocks

Here are the three Evening Star Quilt Block variations in my State Fair Challenge Quilt. The musical fabric is the challenge fabric for the theme "Making Music." At least half of the fat quarter of challenge fabric must be used on the front side of the quilt.

I had to improvise since I cut all my squares only to find that I'd cut them too small. Since I haven't found any more of the challenge fabric, I decided to add another fabric into the mix and have three different blocks instead of just two. Hopefully it will come together nicely with the complementary block (which I also need to resew since it is too small, too!) There's so much to learn about quilting perfectly. If it weren't for a competition, I wouldn't be such a perfectionist! But last time I didn't get a ribbon because of minor little details that all added up to a less-than-perfect quilt. So this time I'm determined to make all my points line up!

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Looks like a great start to your quilt! Can't wait to see the finished product!

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